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Catch up Premium (Covid)

From September 2020 the Government has made available additional funding to support schools in ‘catching up’ any missed learning due to Covid-19 school closures. 

On returning to full opening in September 2020, our school organised staffing into year group bubbles to reduce the risk of infection and support continuity going forward for the children. 

The additional funding allowed us to employ a teacher wanting to return part-time after maternity leave, in a two day a week role in year 2.  In addition, we were able to employ another teacher 1 day a week in this year group to support intervention and small group work.

This staffing structure also allows for known adults to cover in this year group rather than a supply teacher.  

Funding received over
two financial years
Baseline Measure
Summary of
Expected attainment
outcomes from

Year 2 
Reading as at 18.9.20

54% at Age related

Maths as at 9.10.20
71% At Age related

Writing as at 20.10.20
54% at Age related

2 days additional

1 day teacher working
at HLTA rate

Total costs:

For school to achieve
data in line with 2019 and
linked to this cohort's
predictions from year R
Good Level of Development